Wine, Eats, & Easels

“Wine, Eats & Easels” (WEE) is the best kept secret in Oklahoma! 2019 will be BAN’s 11th year hosting the greatest party ever for an even greater cause. Event proceeds benefit Broken Arrow Neighbors in their daily mission of providing basic needs assistance to disadvantaged Broken Arrow residents.
What’s it all about? Under the beautiful summer sky and stars, patrons are treated to an evening of wine, beer, incredible food, art, and music. Beverage vendors from across the region come together with local restaurants to create an atmosphere of taste and culture. The event hosts some of the most eclectic and diverse artists available anywhere including the world famous Butt Sketch artists. Grady Nichols will again be our music headliner as he has since this event’s inception. There is also a beer garden, a wine pull, a photo booth, and live art demonstrations.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available.
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