The Museum Broken Arrow Wednesday Writers Book Series March 30
Who: The Museum Broken Arrow
What: Wednesday Writers Book Series
When: Wednesday, March 30 11:30 A.M.
Where: The Museum Broken Arrow
400 South Main Street

Our March author is Harold Battenfield. He is the grandfather to 6 grandchildren and the father to two daughters. He has been married for fifty six years. He holds three patents. He is the author of Braiding Generations: A Grandfather Breaks the Code.
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After he retired from medicine, he returned to college to learn how to write and has 39 college hours in writing.
“A defining event occurred when I was seven years old and I spent a week with my grandparents, the longest seven days in my life. I never forgot. Our society carries an unwritten code that implies a grandkid’s friends are more interesting and fun than a grandparent—grandparents are boring. I broke the code when I learned how to be more fun than their friends and I entered a world of unlimited possibilities. Breaking the code became my goal to compensate for not understanding how to live with loss,” said Battenfield.
“We hope people will pack their lunch or grab a sandwich from a local restaurant in the Rose District, come to the museum, and listen to the author talk about their creative process and current writing,” stated Lori Lewis, Executive Director of The Museum Broken Arrow.
Wednesday Writers:
This series of presentations will allow attendees to see how the selected authors use their words as brush strokes on the empty canvas of a page to create another world in the reader’s mind. Each author will share how they harness the creative spirit to create their literary masterpiece.