Planning Commission considers ‘Airbnb’ regulations

The City of Broken Arrow Planning Commission will consider recommendation on action to proposed updates to the Zoning Ordinance in relation to Bed & Breakfast Facilities at 5 p.m., Thursday, June 13, in the City Council Chambers, 220 S. 1st St.
The Community Development Department recommends changes to allow for three types of Bed & Breakfast facilities within Broken Arrow. City officials have been working on the proposed regulations since early 2018 when short-term rentals such as Airbnb, Wimdu, Expedia and VRBO became more prevalent within the city.
The first type of Bed & Breakfast facility known as “Type 1” would allow (through a one-year permit) a single-family home that has the owner residing on the premise up to two individuals or one family to stay up to 30 days. The permit would have to be renewed each year and would require an inspection for life safety codes.
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The “Type 3” would be permitted by right in most commercial and agricultural districts and allow up to eight sleeping rooms for people to stay up to 30 days. Hotel/Motel taxes would have to be remitted to the City of Broken Arrow.
The meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about this topic.