Historic Walking Tour of Downtown Collinsville

The Collinsville Chamber of Commerce is planning a historic walking tour of downtown Collinsville for Saturday, September 14. The first tour will begin at 3:00 pm at the City Plaza at 12th and Main.
Tour attendees will be given a glimpse at life in Collinsville during wartime. The event will begin with a short introduction and musical performance, then groups will head out in 20-minute intervals to walk downtown Collinsville. Guests will be treated to fun and interesting stories from the relatives of those who lived and worked in Collinsville during the 1940s. The tour will stop at eight locations before concluding at the Veterans Community Building where attendees will enjoy WWII memorabilia, military vehicles on display, and refreshments.
Admission price is only $10 per person. There will be a limit of 25 people per tour group. Be sure to contact the office today to reserve your spot, as spaces are expected to sell quickly!
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The Chamber would like to thank Collinsville Dolton Funeral Home and Slush Face Slushies for generously sponsoring this event.
For more information, please contact Carri Yount at carri@collinsvillechamber.org or 918.371.4703.