Free Dump Day set for Saturday, Oct 20

Residents will have the opportunity to dispose of unwanted items at the City’s annual Fall Clean-Up on Saturday, October 20 from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the Waste Management Quarry Landfill, 13720 E. 46th St. North. This is easily accessible by traveling north on U.S. Highway 169 to the Eastbound exit at 46th St. North.
Residents may dump free by presenting a driver’s license with a Broken Arrow address or a recent utility bill. City employees will be on site to verify residency.
Any household waste can be dropped off except for the following items:
- Hazardous materials
- Liquids (such as paint in liquid form, gasoline, used oil, etc.)
- Batteries
- Fluorescent light bulbs
- Untreated medical waste
- Compressed gas cylinders
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Refrigerators/air conditioners/freezers/or Freon containing items will be accepted with the proper documentation that the refrigerant has been properly removed by a licensed CFC technician.
There will be a $2 fee for each car tire, $4 fee for each truck tire.
Motor oil, batteries, antifreeze, steel cans and scrap metal are accepted year-round at the Metropolitan Environmental Trust (MET) recycling facility located at 302 North Elm Place. The facility also accepts plastic bottles, glass bottles, newspaper, office paper, aluminum cans, cardboard and paperboard.
For additional information about eligible items, please contact the landfill at 918-439-7835.