ENDUI Activity Planned for Tulsa, Creek Counties

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP) and the ENDUI team will partner with local law enforcement to conduct a sobriety checkpoint and saturation patrols in the Tulsa area on Saturday.
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The OHP and ENDUI team will be joined by members of the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office and the Oklahoma ABLE Commission to conduct a checkpoint in Tulsa. The checkpoint will start at 10 p.m. Saturday and will end early Sunday morning.
During this time, other members of the OHP will be joined by the Sapulpa Police Department and Creek County Sheriff’s Office to conduct high-visibility patrols in their areas.
There is absolutely no reason for impaired driving collisions to happen. If you are drinking, have a plan to get home safe.
In 2017, 656 people were killed in crashes in Oklahoma; almost half of those (324) were killed in drug/alcohol-related crashes. This is up from 43 percent killed in drug/alcohol-related crashes in 2016 in Oklahoma.
For an interactive look at all of the crashes in Oklahoma during 2017, visit, http://bit.ly/2017KAB.
Everyone is highly encouraged to find a safe ride by calling a sober driver, using a cab, Uber, Lyft or any other ride-share service. Better yet, have a designated driver. Have fun and enjoy life, but do not, under any circumstances, drive while impaired by alcohol or any other substance. The cost is too high. Let’s ENDUI.
The ENDUI enforcement team coordinates multi-jurisdictional events on a regular basis, including sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols. These efforts are needed to impact Oklahoma’s impaired driving problem across the state. The locations of these activities are driven by data from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office and by local request.