Conserve water, save money, and help Broken Arrow win

Did you know?
- Broken Arrow water usage nearly doubles during the summer months due to irrigation.
- Water runoff from irrigation flows directly into creeks and streams without treatment. This runoff can contain pesticides, oil, and other contaminants that are harmful to Oklahoma wildlife as well as creeks and streams.
- Running a sprinkler during rain and/or freeze events wastes water, money, and can cause dangerous road conditions.
- An irrigation system that has a leak 1/32nd of an inch in diameter (about the thickness of a dime) can waste about 6,300 gallons of water per month. That is about $400 per year!
- Having your sprinkler system inspected yearly for leaks can save you money and help prevent pollution!
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For reasons like these, Mayor Craig Thurmond has accepted the 2019 Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation, which is a friendly contest against cities from across the nation. Residents are asked to take a series of online pledges that will help us become more water-wise as a city. Making simple changes will make a big impact for Oklahoma water resources! The city who has the most residents that take the pledge will win major bragging rights and a deserving charity in their city will win a Toyota Highlander Hybrid! There are also many prizes that residents can win such as $3,000 towards utility bills, gift cards, and irrigation supplies.
Make your pledge to reduce water consumption at April 1-30. Check out our Facebook page @conserveba, where you can find out more about Rose District Farmer’s Market giveaways and irrigation contractor discounts! Broken Arrow ranked 18th last year, but Mayor Thurmond knows we can improve!
In conjunction with the challenge this year, the City of Broken Arrow is also holding an Instagram contest for a drip irrigation package! Contest details are available at