CASA Volunteer of the Month

By Brandon Fletcher, Marketing and Resource Development Coordinator – Child Advocates of Northeast Oklahoma
Each month, Child Advocates of Northeast Oklahoma (CANO) celebrates the advocacy of one of our CASA volunteers. This month, we celebrate the service Sharissa Coates, a volunteer advocate in Rogers County for nearly 18 months.
Sharissa and her husband have five children and enjoy the country lifestyle together. From running their business to homeschooling the kids, they stay busy and close-knit as a family. Coates is active in her church and had served in pre-teen and Middle School ministry for many years. In addition to helping with the youth ministry, Coates is passionate about her church’s mission work in Haiti. She has traveled there multiple times over the past few years, working to develop personal relationships with the families she serves. Back home, she works to connect fellow church members to these families in need. The people she serves in Haiti are a big part in Coates’ life.
When asked about what drew her to the work of CASA, Coates contributed it to the work she is already doing in Haiti and the call of God in her life to help children. “Through my trips to Haiti and desire to help the children and families there, I began praying and asking God to show me how I can help children in my own community. Through those prayers, I felt like CASA would be a great way to get involved with children and families needing extra support and care.” Coates’ heart is clearly set on helping families and children in need, no matter if they are on her street or the streets of Haiti.
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One of the more difficult aspects of volunteering for Coates is “sitting in the courtroom, hearing some of the things these children have been through… It is heartbreaking at times.” Even though it is tough, there are successes that Coates has enjoyed. “Successful reunification is very rewarding, as is developing relationships with the children, families, and workers.”
Coates is a fantastic volunteer with a gift for working with children. When asked what she does to connect with children, especially those who are in difficult situations, Coates said “Connecting with any given child may look differently depending on age, background, interests, etc. I think gaining their trust by being a friendly face and engaging them about their interests is helpful with older children. While getting on the floor and playing with babies and younger kids is a quick way to connect.”
Coates’ main desire is for everyone to work together to achieve a safe and healthy environment for the whole family. “I love when the foster family is able to work closely with the biological parents to provide the best outcome for the child,” Coates said about her first CASA case. “Both parties involved worked toward the common goal of the parent bettering themselves in order to gain reunification.”
Coates is clearly passionate about helping families in her community through her CASA work. “If anyone has a desire to get involved in helping children, just go for it. Get involved. Don’t wait, as the need