Build Our Future BA GO Bond set for August 28

In order to keep up with residential and economic development growth in Broken Arrow, the City Council and Administration will ask voters in August to consider an approximately $210 million General Obligation Bond package.
GO Bonds are a common financing tool used by Oklahoma cities to fund important infrastructure projects such as building roads, bridges, flood control, parks and public buildings. If approved, the GO bond projects will not increase the City’s property tax rate. New bonds will only be issued as old bonds are paid off.
On Tuesday, August 28, voters will decide on six questions on the ballot:
- Proposition 1: Transportation ($142.625 million)
- Proposition 2: Public Safety ($20.35 million)
- Proposition 3: Parks and Recreation ($17.75 million)
- Proposition 4: Public Facilities ($16.8 million)
- Proposition 5: Stormwater ($7.5 million)
- Proposition 6: Drainage* ($5.5 million)
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* Proposition 6 must pass with 60% approval or higher as some proposed drainage projects could potentially require work to be completed on private property. State law restricts the use of public funding on private property, unless voters authorize such spending.
The complete package contains 88 projects totaling approximately $210 million, which would make it the largest municipal bond in Broken Arrow’s history. Some of the projects include:
- Widen Houston (81st) Street from Garnett Road to Aspen (145th) Avenue
- Widen 23rd Street (County Line) between Omaha (51st) to Albany (61st) Street
- Improve intersections on 9th Street (Lynn Lane) near Highway 51
- Construct meeting center for veterans
- Construct Senior Citizen Center annex facility
- Improve drainage in neighborhoods
- Build Fire Station No. 7
- Develop a new park in southwest Broken Arrow
“The Build Our Future BA GO Bond is a big step forward for Broken Arrow. The projects included represent the biggest desires of residents across the City for how they envision Broken Arrow in the future,” said Mayor Craig Thurmond. “I appreciate the dedication of City staff in preparing such an ambitious package, and I want to thank the hundreds of residents who took the time to reach out to the City and the Council to provide feedback that was vital to guiding the creation of this bond package.”
Residents may view videos, FAQs and download a complete project list at
Broken Arrow residents with precinct questions can contact their election board:
- Tulsa County Election Board: 918-596-5780
- Wagoner County Election Board: 918-485-2142
Residents are encouraged to read a sample ballot before heading to their precinct. Sample ballots, along with precinct information, can be found with the Oklahoma State Election Board’s Online Voter Tool, available at
View a sample ballot for the GO Bond. (PDF)
Voting locations will be open 7 a.m.-7p.m. Tuesday, Aug 28. Early voting is available 8 a.m.-6 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 23, and Friday, Aug. 24, and again between 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 25. Residents in Tulsa County can vote early at the Tulsa County Election Board, 555 N. Denver Ave. in Tulsa or at Hardesty Regional Library, 8316 E. 93rd St. Wagoner County residents can vote at Heritage United Methodist Church, 5300 E. Kenosha St. in Broken Arrow.