Broken Arrow utility customers to see rate change effective on November bills

As part of a multi-year, utility infrastructure reinvestment plan approved by the City Council, the City of Broken Arrow will implement a third rate increase for water, sewer and stormwater services. A similar rate increase was approved in September 2017.
Beginning with bills received in November 2018, a typical residential customer in the city limits that uses 7,000 gallons of water per month will see their water fee increase about $2.29, their sewer fee increase about $2.19 and the stormwater fee increase by $0.57. These changes will make the bill for a typical household using 7,000 gallons increase about $5.05 per month.
The rate increases are necessary to continue providing utility services in Broken Arrow and pay both operational costs and debt service payments on $90 million worth of capital projects for the utility infrastructure.
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In 2016, the City hired the engineering consultant firm of Black and Veatch, which specializes in helping municipalities analyze costs for services delivered and establish appropriate utility rates. Black and Veatch, working with staff, determined what Broken Arrow’s water, sewer and stormwater fees should be in order to pay for the necessary utility systems improvements, operational expenses and additional staffing needs to maintain the systems.
“These utility rate increases are required so that the City can continue to improve our water, sewer and stormwater systems to handle the continued growth Broken Arrow has experienced,” City Manager Michael Spurgeon said. “Major capital investments are needed to make our utility systems reliable and efficient, and to ensure we can accommodate future growth anticipated in the next 10-15 years. We’ve made tremendous progress so far, such as continued improvements at our Lynn Lane Wastewater Treatment Plant. These types of improvements are vital if we are to continue to provide high quality utility services to both current and future customers and position ourselves to accommodate continued economic growth in Broken Arrow.”
View the complete Capital Improvement Plan at