Broken Arrow Police Chief Search Underway

suv_300The City of Broken Arrow is now accepting applications for the position of Police Chief. Applications will be accepted until July 21.

The Police Chief is responsible for the overall leadership and administration of the Police Department and provides strategic planning for both internal and external initiatives, taking into consideration crime trends, staffing and equipment needs, community growth, and City administration plans. Major duties include oversight of the development and administration of the department’s budget, management of personnel matters, coordination of police department activities in cooperation with other City departments, and planning and oversight of department infrastructure, including plans for additional training facilities and emergency operations center. This position has direct supervision over the Deputy Police Chief, Police Captain, and the Administrative Assistant.


Please apply online at:

Additionally, you may download the brochure here.

For more information on this position contact:
Gary Holland, Senior Vice President
Strategic Government Resources
The City of Broken Arrow is an Equal Opportunity Employer and values diversity in its workforce. Applicants selected as finalists for this position will be subject to a comprehensive background check.

Chief Boggs to Retire August 2017

After serving over 26 years in law enforcement, Police Chief David Boggs will retire from the Broken Arrow Police Department (BAPD) at the end of August 2017.

Boggs began working in Broken Arrow in August 2011. He was recruited from Lexington, Kentucky, where he had served as Deputy Chief. Boggs is looking forward to pursuing other opportunities that will take him into the teaching and consulting fields.

“The 26 years I have spent in the law enforcement profession have been profoundly fulfilling, and BAPD and this great city have been the capstone of my professional career. It’s time now to retire from active law enforcement and spend more time with my family and personal pursuits,” said Boggs. “My wife and I plan to stay in Broken Arrow and continue to raise our family and enjoy all the wonderful things BA has to offer! While my last day on the force will be in August, I intend to stay active in the community we love calling home.”

Boggs leaves behind a force of 146 sworn officers. Through his leadership, BAPD has gained a reputation as one of the most professional police agencies in the United States. BAPD is also nationally recognized for its community policing programs, which other departments around the country use as a model for their programs. With over 250 citizens serving as volunteers for the police department, public support and respect for the City’s officers is exceptionally high. That support is credited for successful renewal of the Vision 2025 sales tax to hire new police officers, firefighters and fund street maintenance. BAPD will grow to 161 sworn officers when the Vision renewal campaign promise is fully implemented.

“The Broken Arrow City Council and I couldn’t be more pleased with the job the Broken Arrow Police Department and Chief Boggs have done in keeping our community safe,” said Mayor Craig Thurmond. “We are consistently recognized as one of the safest places to live in the U.S., and I credit Chief Boggs’ leadership for making that designation possible. We wish him all the best in his next endeavors.”

“Chief Boggs is a true servant leader, and I have enjoyed working with him! I salute him and his family for an outstanding career in law enforcement and for his leadership of the Broken Arrow Police Department for nearly six years,” said City Manager Michael Spurgeon. “Retirement from this facet of public safety is only going to provide David with incredible opportunities, which I know he’ll wholeheartedly embrace and have tremendous success.”

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Download Police Chief Brochure