Broken Arrow Man Injured in Adair County Accident

Oklahoma Highway Patrol reports a personal injury collision occurred August 8, 2018 at approximately 1:40AM on Chewey Road, 10 miles west of US59, approximately 4 miles north of Westville, OK in Adair County.
A 1978 Ford F150, driven by Morton Tanner , 56, of Broken Arrow was westbound on Chewey Road when he departed roadway to the right and for unknown reason struck a tree head on. Tanner was pinned for an unknown amount of time, and extricated by the Chance Oklahoma Fire Department. He was transported and admitted to Washington Regional Hospital in Fayetteville, Arkansas in stable condition with head, trunk internal, trunk external, arms and leg injuries.
- Condition of Driver: Unknown
- Cause of Collision- Still under investigation
- Seatbelts – Equipped; Not in use
- Weather – Cloudy
- Roadway – Dry
- Pinned – See narrative
- Ejected – None
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“This report is based upon the trooper’s investigation of this collision. It may contain the opinion of the trooper.”