Broken Arrow Flag Day Ceremony

The Military History Center is hosting a Flag Day Ceremony at the Center’s museum located at 112 N. Main ST in the Rose District of Broken Arrow. Flag Day is on Friday June 14; however, the ceremony will be held on Saturday June 15 at 11:00 a.m. to allow more of the public to attend. A ceremonial raising of the American flag, service branch flags, Medal of Honor flag, Army Reserve, Air National Guard and 45th Infantry Division flags. The flags will be raised by veterans of the services represented by each flag.
Special guest speaker will be Oklahoma’s First District Congressman, Kevin Hern. The current Miss Broken Arrow, Maggie Bond, will sing the National Anthem and other patriotic songs. The ceremony is free and open to the public.
The museum will remain open until 4:00 p.m. and admittance is free on the day of this ceremony. The Military History Center represents all branches of military service and has artifacts from all of America’s major wars.
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