Broken Arrow City manager receives Certified Municipal Official designation

The Oklahoma Municipal League (OML) awarded the designation of Certified Municipal Official to Broken Arrow City Manager Michael Spurgeon at its Annual Conference in Oklahoma City.
“Earning this designation was important to me to show how committed I am to local government and public service,” Spurgeon said. “Federal and state officials usually receive most of the media attention, but local government has the most direct impact on the daily lives of citizens in the community and the local economy. That’s why it’s vital to have dedicated and well-trained individuals serving communities. I’m proud of the commitment and hard work our employees do each day in service to our City.”
OML’s Certified Municipal Official program was established to recognize municipal officials and employees who continue to develop their skills and enrich their expertise in local government. Those who complete the program demonstrate to both their community and peers that they are committed to carrying out the duties of their office or position. A total of 40 hours of training are required for certification.
The Oklahoma Municipal League is a statewide, non-profit corporation currently composed of more than 450 member cities and towns. The League serves as a representative for municipalities at state and federal government levels to achieve local objectives. By working together through the League, municipal officials formulate programs and unite in concerted action benefiting their communities.
About Oklahoma Municipal League
The mission of the OML is to provide services and programs required by municipal officials to assist them in better serving their citizens, and to act as the representative of Oklahoma municipalities in interactions requiring a united voice. Since 1913, the League has served as the individual and collective voice of local officials on the state and national level.