BA Blue Star Mothers Asking for Help for USO Letter of Request

BA Blue Star Mothers are asking for your HELP
“The Broken Arrow Blue Star Mothers have received a letter of request from the USO for our assistance. There are deployed Service Members in Iraq that do not have basic supplies. BA Blue Star Mothers have been called upon to take some of these Service Members under our care. We will be sending boxes to many of them. There are 3 Military Bases listed on the request with a range of Fifty to 1,500 US Personnel on each base. Any help you can provide is gratefully appreciated. We will need money for postage as well as items for the boxes. Please see the included Needs List for the items to be shipped in the care packages.
Help support the Blue Star Mothers Mission to Support Our Troops – Until They All Come Home
All proceeds help purchase items that are sent in our Freedom Boxes to our deployed soldiers. Please visit our website and our Facebook page for more information on our Mission and our Chapter.”
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact: Susan Thesenvitz – 918-808-0747 –
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