Annual City of Broken Arrow Golf Tournament

Please join us for the City of Broken Arrow’s Annual United Way Golf Tournament Fundraiser in memory of Tom Caldwell. Register by 11-2-18. Format is Four-person scramble with a 33-team limit. To register, click the link below or fill out the PDF form and return it by 11/02/2018. Payment due by 11/7/2018. DETAILS: CHECK: SEND WITH REGISTRATION FORM, PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF BROKEN, ATTN: JENNIFER HOOKS, P. O. BOX 610, BROKEN ARROW, OK 74013. CREDIT CARD/CASH: PAY IN UTILITY OFFICE (SOUTH END OF CITY HALL, 116 E. DALLAS ST.) OR TO PAY BY PHONE WITH A CREDIT CARD, CALL 918-259-8409.
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