Annual Christmas Mailing Benefitting the BA Blue Star Mothers – Chapter 5

We are shipping our Annual Christmas Boxes and Stocking for the Troops on December 5th – I’m needing to get this event promoted to the Community to help make it a success for the benefit of our Blue Star Mothers Chapter 5 and all the Military Personnel and Veterans and their families that we support. I would appreciate any assistance you can give me. I would love to meet with someone to demonstrate how we pack our boxes and promote our event.
Our organization is the Broken Arrow Blue Star Mothers – Chapter 5 – We are an ALL volunteer non-profit 501(c)3 organization. EIN # 71-0970194
We are mothers of Son or Daughters who are currently or have served in the Military. Our organization’s Mission is to Support Our Troops Until They All Come Home. We currently pack boxes with $45 worth of products that help the troops and give them a little taste of home with they are deployed. It costs $15.99 to ship each box to a deployed soldier. We rely on our community donations to supply our troops with these much needed and desired items. Our chapter ships 200-300 boxes per month all year long.
The Event is: Annual Christmas Shipment and Stocking for Troops & Veterans
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The Shipment Date is: December 5, 2018
The packing and shipping of stockings & boxes will take place at our Broken Arrow Blue Star Mothers office in BA. The address is: 905 S. 9th, Ste. C, ( Just South of 81st Street on Lynn Lane ) – Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Join us in the opportunity to Support Our Troops! We need assistance packing boxes and stuffing stockings for the December Shipment.