Broken Arrow Fireworks Permits Now Available

06/06/2019 – Residents of Broken Arrow who would like to legally discharge fireworks in the City limits may do so by purchasing a fireworks permit for $22. Permits are available for in-person purchase through July 3 at the One Stop Center in City Hall, 220 S. First St. Permits will not be issued to persons under 18 years of age. For added convenience, fireworks permits can be purchased online. Applicants can access the system by visiting
Permits are valid during the hours of 3-11 p.m. on July 3 and July 4 only. Additional rules are listed on the printed permit. It is unlawful to discharge fireworks within City limits without a permit. Certain restrictions apply. Fireworks must be discharged on a noncombustible surface of sufficient size to contain the entire ground portion of the display, not closer than 25 feet to any permanent structure.
For questions regarding the application, call the One Stop Center at 918-259-2411, option 0
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