Elm and New Orleans Advisory Committee convenes


In July 2019, the City Council approved an ordinance creating the Elm and New Orleans Advisory Committee. The 12-member committee’s purpose is to make recommendations to the City Council regarding the revitalization plan created by a consultant after a yearlong study of the area. The committee will meet twice per month and all meetings are open to the public.

The committee is composed of 12 members. This includes two City Councilors: Vice Mayor Scott Eudey (Ward 4) and Councilor Christi Gillespie (Ward 3). Five members were nominated by a City Councilor, two by City Manager Michael Spurgeon and one each by the Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation (EDC), Broken Arrow Public Schools and the Broken Arrow Planning Commission.

“The Elm and New Orleans Advisory Committee will play an important role in the process of improving a once-vibrant area of Broken Arrow. We designed the committee to have 12 members in order for it to have a broad representation across the City. This is important so we can include a wide range of opinions on the City’s best options toward revitalizing the area,” said City Manager Michael Spurgeon.


In early 2018, the City of Broken, in partnership with the EDC, hired a consultant to study and develop a plan to improve commercial and retail quality at Elm and New Orleans. Neighbors have seen retailers close or relocate to other areas, such as the Hobby Lobby. Reasor’s closed one of its grocery stores in spring 2019.

The consultant, Catalyst Commercial, spent a year conducting surveys, talking with business and property owners, as well as leasing agents, and investigating how other cities have revitalized struggling retail and commercial districts. The report was presented at a public meeting in June 2019 at the Nazarene Church.

Meeting agenda

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