What’s Next?
On Aug. 5, 2019, the Citizens Recycle Committee met to review the findings of the Curbside Recycling Pilot program, which ran from January-May of this year.
By September, the pilot report and the Citizen’s Recycle Committee recommendation, will be presented to the Broken Arrow Municipal Authority (BAMA) for consideration and possible action.
Once BAMA makes a decision, it could take a year or more to fully implement. The refuse and recycling collection in the pilot areas will continue just as in the active pilot period, until such time as the Authority provides direction on future waste and recycling services.
(BAMA is served by the five City Council members, and its regular meetings immediately follow City Council meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.)
As recommended by the Citizens Recycle Committee, approved and directed by the Broken Arrow Municipal Authority, the Sanitation Division conducted two concurrent pilot projects to collect data and compare two types of collection systems. These two pilots provided a platform for the organization to test logistics, prove value, survey participants and reveal deficiencies before spending a significant amount of time, energy or money on a possible city-wide project. The measuring and collection of data has now concluded for these two pilot projects.
More details at www.RecycleBA.com
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