Tulsa Police Citizens Police Academy Scheduled

Tulsa – December 25, 2018 – The spring 2019 session of the TPD’s Citizens Police Academy will begin on Tuesday evening, February 26, 2019. The Academy will meet every Tuesday evening from 6 pm to 9 pm until graduation on May 21, 2019. Almost all the classes will be held at the Tulsa Police Training Center.

The course is free of charge to citizens 18 years of age or older who live, work, or attend school in Tulsa. The course is designed to introduce citizens to the various operations, protocols and procedures of the Tulsa Police Department. Relevant topics such as, firearms training, pursuit driving, SWAT, criminal and narcotic investigations are part of the curriculum. It is taught by veteran TPD officers who will discuss the challenges of policing a large, diverse, urban center. It is an opportunity for citizens to interact with police officers in an educational environment to foster the understanding and mutual respect that is necessary to build a safer community for all.
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An application and background information about the Citizens Police Academy can be found on the Tulsa Police Department website. For additional information interested citizens can contact Capt. Jim Hunter (Ret.) at jimhunter@cityoftulsa.org .
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