Final open house to review Broken Arrow Comprehensive plan & parks master plan drafts

The City of Broken Arrow will host the final public meeting to present and discuss the Comprehensive Plan and Parks & Recreation Master Plan Update draft documents.
Draft plan summaries and implementation recommendations will be presented at a public meeting from 6-8 p.m., Wednesday, March 6, at Central on Main, 220 N. Main St. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn more about the draft plans and provide additional input into their final development. All Broken Arrow residents, businesses, and other interested persons are invited to attend and participate.
Key Points:
- Broken Arrow’s draft Comprehensive Plan and Parks & Recreation Master Plan are the cumulative products of a 16-month planning process.
- Various demographic and economic trends, future development scenarios, and public and stakeholder input helped formulate a set of policy strategies to best position BA for continued quality growth.
- The Comprehensive Plan, Broken Arrow Next, is an aspirational and strategic policy document to help guide the City’s future development pattern and further enhance quality of life over the next 20 years.
- The Parks & Recreation Master Plan Update identifies needs and develops strategies to enhance the parks and recreation system.
- The final versions of the plans are expected to be completed and formally adopted by the City Council later this spring.
“It’s extremely important for residents and the business community to provide their feedback in the final stage of this process,” said City Manager Michael Spurgeon. “The last Comprehensive Plan was adopted 22 years ago, and since then, Broken Arrow has grown significantly in population. Today, an update is needed to proactively prepare and respond to new market conditions that will enable us to continue being a sought after destination in Oklahoma.”
About a week before the public meeting both of the draft plans will be available for review on the website,, and related comments can be provided via the “Contact” page.
Watch a video summarizing the comprehensive plan process, with comments from Farhad Daroga, special projects manager:
WHAT: Final public meeting to review Broken Arrow Next – Comprehensive Plan
WHEN: 6-8 p.m., Wednesday, March 6
WHERE: Central on Main, 220 N. Main