Comprehensive plan moves forward

The City of Broken Arrow is in the middle of creating a new comprehensive plan — Broken Arrow Next. The comprehensive plan is an aspirational and strategic policy document that helps guide the City’s future development pattern and further enhance quality of life over the next 20 years.
The plan development process for the Broken Arrow Next is being led by Halff Associates Inc., professional planning consultants. As part of the process, the City has held public meetings to gather feedback on how the community feels development in the City should take place in the future.
The third of those public meetings was held on Sept. 25. Building on what was developed during the June meeting, the project team presented more details and comparisons of the future growth scenarios that look at different ways Broken Arrow could grow in the future.
The scenarios that were discussed include:
- Trend scenario, in which current development patterns are expected to continue in the future;
- Infill scenario, in which growth is focused on filling in undeveloped areas within the current city limits;
- District scenario, in which activity nodes are created throughout the city with more intense development; and,
- Proposed scenario, which is a mix of the three alternative growth scenarios and will serve as a framework for the updated future land use plan.
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The team also presented preliminary plan concepts, including districts, corridor enhancements, and parks and open space recommendations.
Since the last comprehensive plan was adopted in 1997, Broken Arrow has seen significant growth and its estimated population has climbed to approximately 112,000 — making it Oklahoma’s fourth largest City. Today an update is needed to proactively prepare and respond to new and emerging market conditions in Broken Arrow. Through this 18-month planning process which was started in March 2018, many future community needs will be identified, prioritized and incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan.
For more information about the plans visit