Broken Arrow leaders join others from area to meet with state legislators

JENKS — The Oklahoma Municipal League (OML), along with many Tulsa metro-area city leaders, hosted a regional legislative forum on Jan. 18, focusing on municipal priorities during the upcoming session of the 57th Legislature.
The event, which was held at the Oklahoma Aquarium in Jenks, was an opportunity for municipal leaders to meet with other area leaders and their legislators to discuss important issues facing Oklahoma cities and towns during the session, which is scheduled to begin on Feb. 4.
Six cities, including Broken Arrow, 12 area legislators and 35 municipal representatives attended the forum.
During his comments at the forum, Mike Fina, Executive Director of the OML, said OML thinks it is essential for municipal leaders, mayors, council members and their legislators have an opportunity to sit down and discuss the important issues facing our cities and towns, as well as everyone getting to know one another better and enhancing the lines of communication between them.
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“Broken Arrow was well represented and we demonstrated our commitment to provide regional leadership to our neighboring communities as well as our earnest desire to partner with our state legislators” said Broken Arrow City Manager Michael Spurgeon. “I am extremely encouraged about our delegation in Oklahoma City and think opportunities abound.”
OML is the authoritative source for information, training and resources on effective local government for member organizations and is recognized as the respected voice of Oklahoma municipalities in the State.